
Showing posts with the label Interview Questions

100 Interview Questions

100 Interview Questions    While there are as many different possible interview questions as there are interviewers, it always helps to be ready for anything. Which is why we've taken the time to prepare this list of 100 potential interview questions. Will you face them all? We hope no interviewer would be that cruel. Will you face a few? Probably. Will you be well-served by being ready even if you're not asked these exact questions? Absolutely. To learn h ow to be prepared for job interview questions, start here. Basic Interview Questions: Tell me about yourself. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Why do you want this job? Where would you like to be in your career five years from now? What's your ideal company? What attracted you to this company? Why should we hire you? What did you like least about your last job? When were you most satisfied in your job? What can you do for us that other candidates can't? What were the responsibilities of

Top 70 React Interview Questions and Answers

 Top 70 React Interview Questions and Answers  Following are frequently asked React interview questions for freshers as well as experienced React developers. 1) What is Reactjs? React is a JavaScript library that makes building user interfaces easy. It was developed by Facebook. 2) Does React use HTML? No, It uses JSX, which is similar to HTML. 3) When was React first released? React was first released on March 2013. 4) Give me two most significant drawbacks of React Integrating React with the MVC framework like Rails requires complex configuration. React require the users to have knowledge about the integration of user interface into MVC framework.   5) State the difference between Real DOM and Virtual DOM Real DOM Virtual DOM It is updated slowly. It updates faster. It allows a direct update from HTML. It cannot be used to update HTML directly. It wastes too much memory. Memory consumption is less   6) What is Flux Concept In React? Facebook widely uses flux

react js interview questions for freshers

 react js interview questions for freshers   Introduction to React React is an efficient, flexible, and open-source JavaScript framework library that allows developers to the creation of simple, fast, and scalable web applications. Jordan Walke, a software engineer who was working for Facebook created React. It was first deployed on the news feed of Facebook in 2011 and on Instagram in 2012. Developers from the Javascript background can easily develop web applications with the help of React. React Hooks will allow you to use the state and other features of React in which requires a class to be written by you. In simple words, we can say that, React Hooks are the functions that will connect React state with the lifecycle features from the function components. React Hooks is among the features that are implemented latest in the version React 16.8. Scope of React: The selection of the right technology for application or web development is becoming more challenging. React has been conside